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Author: Subject: The types of people you can expect to meet in online communities...
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question.gif posted on 10/14/2009 at 07:10 PM
The types of people you can expect to meet in online communities...

Hello everyone,

got this via another board...

Over the past year, I've discovered that ISC no different than any other online community. You'll encounter the same types of people. For anyone altogether new to online communities, I've provided descriptions of the types of people you can expect to meet.

Jack/Jacky Tripper: a powerless idiot that wields their e-authority like a sword. You'll find them in discussion forums, as admins, arbitrarily deleting comments and entire discussions. Save your e-breath, nothing you say can convince them that they aren't being paid to be here.

The Rebel: a person who, because of their ideas, opinions, and beliefs, constantly finds them self on the fringes of e-society...much like real life.

Mr/Mrs Convenient: People lacking ideas of their own or the courage to express them even if they did. In a discussion, they first examine the most popular position before offering their contributions.

Trolls: a person who's mission in life is to be a nuisance, to instigate conflict,

e-bully: a powerless coward seeking to escape their real-life irrelevance by attempting to subjugate the wills of other site members. E-bullies are no different than any other bully. Put them down and they'll be your best friend. If you back down, they'll seek you out every time you log on.

The hapless idiot: People that embrace stupidity, and reject change, objectivity, and logic. There's no point in arguing with them because they are too stupid to realize they are wrong (or stupid).

Affirmative actors: People seeking to fill the attention void in their life online. Beware, people who's only source of affirmation is online will fight tooth and nail to protect it. Pity them.

Is it just me: If during a discussion, you find yourself thinking, "Is it just me or...", you're not alone. You may be the only one to express a particular position, but you are not the only one that holds that position.

The audacious indignant: they'll anything to you that feel, assail you with any insult they can concoct, but when you reciprocate, its AGAINST ALL GOD!!! Advice: stay on them. Keep riding them until they log off. If they log back on, attack them some more and keep riding them until they delete their account.

Panderer: Men who's soul purpose is to be agreeable with the women taking part in the discussion. It doesn't matter the position expressed, they'll co-sign and cast aspersions on any male participant expressing dissent.

Misery people: people who can't separate their own idiosyncrasies for those of others. They assume that if they do it, think it, say it, or feel it, so does everyone else.

The cheerleader: Hapless idiots with perceived friends. They'll blindly co-sign to any position posted by an ally, regardless of how asinine or astute...because they really have no clue of what's going on anyway.

Shameless self-promoter: an audacious affirmative actor that, regardless of the topic, attempts to shift the focus to them self. Note the constant personal sexual and financial references.

Self-righteous asshole: People who know no sin. They'll criticize you for anything they deem conversation-worthy, which the majority of the time isn't in the least bit. Nevertheless, they'll make a mole hill out of a mountain when discussing you and a mountain into a mole hill when discussing them selves

Bible-thumper: a self-righteous asshole with a religious agenda. They've arrived at the conclusion that debasing the beliefs of others puts them in a better light with their deity of choice. They usually have no clue of what they are talking about. The worst sin a person can commit is to contradict a Bible-thumper. If you need them, and you can't find them, they can usually be found in the nearest sex-related discussion, providing the most gratuitous details.

Which one is you? :smilegrin:

Just Me,
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Registered: 10/14/2009
Location: Tennessee, USA
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[*] posted on 10/14/2009 at 10:43 PM

LOL that is too funny and very true.....
what about the "have pity on me" - one who joins EVERY site they can find to IMMEDIATELY tell you some sob story of what has happened to them in their 2nd post....LOL
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